Social Democrats and Social Republicans
It occurred to me some time ago that my friends all suck. Yeah, yeah, I like them and all, but as time goes on, their desire to go out and socialize has dropped off considerably. In graduate school, we went out three to four times a week. There has been a steady drop off and now I’m lucky to go out with them once every two weeks. My high school friends up in Charm City have had a similar progression. Often if I want to go out, I have to go out with acquaintances who are not nearly as interesting or fun.
The cause is obvious. Most of them have gotten into serious relationships and have busy jobs. The desire to meet new people is low as is their energy to do so. This is direct opposition to me. With no significant other and no job, my boredom levels are high.
Not to sound like a selfish asshole, but what about me?
Many people become charitable once they have achieved economic security. Yet, when it comes to social security (small s on both), some seem to have a “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality. Are my friends Republican libertarian assholes when it comes to social capital?
Certainly, not all people have social stinginess. Many guys, in a communist mindset, play wingmen and “sit on grenades” for the benefit of their buds. Some women are born matchmakers who actively try to fix people up. Mothers worry about the children, nephews and nieces and make suggestions. Others simply feel social obligation to spend time with their friends.
Now, I too, when I was riding high with social capital in a serious relationship, did not think too much about others, their entertainment or well being socially. So, it’s hard to complain too much. I rarely give to any charity come to think of it. (Man, I’m one selfish dude).
Perhaps there should be a non-profit devoted to the epidemic of lonliness and boredom. Or is that what the kickball leagues are?
The cause is obvious. Most of them have gotten into serious relationships and have busy jobs. The desire to meet new people is low as is their energy to do so. This is direct opposition to me. With no significant other and no job, my boredom levels are high.
Not to sound like a selfish asshole, but what about me?
Many people become charitable once they have achieved economic security. Yet, when it comes to social security (small s on both), some seem to have a “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality. Are my friends Republican libertarian assholes when it comes to social capital?
Certainly, not all people have social stinginess. Many guys, in a communist mindset, play wingmen and “sit on grenades” for the benefit of their buds. Some women are born matchmakers who actively try to fix people up. Mothers worry about the children, nephews and nieces and make suggestions. Others simply feel social obligation to spend time with their friends.
Now, I too, when I was riding high with social capital in a serious relationship, did not think too much about others, their entertainment or well being socially. So, it’s hard to complain too much. I rarely give to any charity come to think of it. (Man, I’m one selfish dude).
Perhaps there should be a non-profit devoted to the epidemic of lonliness and boredom. Or is that what the kickball leagues are?
ahh yes, i dig these terms social democrats and social republicans - and indeed what the dilletante says here rings super true i'd say! man, what an important thing to remember to make sure to always be thinking bout your buds and looking out for em and enjoying good ol' hanging out, good call! it's interesting how much of a natural progression it becomes to hang out less with friends and get more into boyfriends/girlfriends and work, some of this is good cause such great things come from putting time into these things, but gotta also keep rockin with the friends foreva too!
and also brings to mind an important point too that generally whether one's a political democrat or republican usually doesn't matter too much cause that's for the most part abstract debates outside of one's own life and usually involves no actual action, but whether one's a social democrat or social republican really does matter, cause it's what ya really care about day in day out and what really matters to others too! long live the social democrats of the world, they most especially rule!
DaveS, at 7:35 PM
and now mondale/ferraro foreva! has gone and gotten engaged.
that's one less homeboy you'll be able to hang around.
Bulworth, at 11:22 AM
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