The Trials of an American Dilettante

Monday, February 11, 2008

Hillary and Obama

Believe or not, but I am undecided about my choices tomorrow. In truth, either would do. Obama seems more electable and is a fresh face. Hillary seems to have slightly better ideas. McCain is such a disgusting piece of crap that I would vote for almost any Democrat over him.

McCain, on his super-slow web site, lists horrid view on so many issues. He actually lists his anti-abortion, anti-stem cell research and anti-same sex marriage stances under his “Human Dignity” section which also includes efforts to stop child molesters. On abortion, McCain claims that overturning Roe v. Wade is just the start (wow, not even hiding behind federalism). On stem cell research, he straw-mans the argument and says he’s against “fetal farming” and thus against stem cell research (no one pro-“fetal farming” since there are plenty of stem cells left over from abortions). On same-sex marriage, he claims that the practice threatens the preservation and health of civil society.

McCain wants to continue Bush’s tax cuts and deceptively claims that Democrats want to hike taxes. He has some convoluted gibberish for Health Care section. At as a kicker, he wants more troops for Iraq.

McCain does say he wants to fight global warming, but that’s about all he has on environment.

Abortion. Both Hilary and Obama shy away from discussing the issue on the web site. We all know they are pro-choice, but only Hilary mentions it under her “Champion For Women” section. Hilary also pledges to overturn Bush’s ban on money for the UN Population Fund. Advantage Hillary.

Stem Cell research. I’m sure Obama is pro-federal funding, but, again, only Hillary seems to list it on her web site. She has a nice little press release entitled “Ending the War on Science.” Advantage Hillary.

Same sex marriage. Neither mention it.

Environment. Both are pro-tradable pollution permits and want 25% renewable energy by 2025. They are completely equal on this one.

Iraq. Hilary wants to start bring troops home immediately. Obama wants them out completely in 16 months. Advantage Obama.

Health Care. Hillary has required participation. Advantage Hillary.

Poverty. Obama lists a whole lot more poverty fighting programs than Hillary. Both are for lower class and middle class tax help. Advantage Obama.

International. Obama wants to promote multilateralism, make peace with Iran, secure nuclear material and be a little tougher on China. Hilary links to a long Foreign Affairs article detailing the same sort of multilateral ideas. Another tie.

So, I’m still undecided. Fantastic.

Why is it so easy to determine what one hates and so difficult to determine what one likes? I'm remined of trying to order pizza. Ask what someone wants, and they tell you nothing. Start suggesting things and people start claiming they hate that topping. Well, neither Hillary or Obama has done anything to make me hate them. Maybe I should just flip a coin.


  • ahh very fascinating run down of the issues here! pretty neat that we have websites now where candidates' detailed positions can be discovered quickly - this has gotta be good for la democraccia! wooh! i hope more of these issues come more to the focus in the campaign - like it would be nice to hear a lot more about the environment and foreign affairs issues besides Iraq. right on!

    By Blogger shoffy22, at 11:53 AM  

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